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International Laboratory Instabili Vaganti Program for higher education and research in the performing arts 11 January - 11 June 2016


International Laboratory Instabili Vaganti Program for higher education and research in the performing arts
11 January - 11 June 2016
Directed by
Instabili Vaganti
LIV – Performing Arts Centre - Bologna

The Laboratory is a path for higher education and research in the performing arts, created by Instabili Vaganti in 2012 and open to actors, performers, musicians and artists from all over the world. The project is conceived by Anna Dora Dorno, director, pedagogue and actress and Nicola Pianzola, training director and actor of Instabili Vaganti. The aim is to create a permanent laboratory, source of new ideas and research processes, in order to train performers able to be involved in Instabili Vaganti’s international projects and performances. The program foresees a daily physical and vocal training through which the company will introduce the participants to the working method developed during these years thanks to the interaction with other cultures and the collaboration with international masters of theatre.
The training includes:
- The study of the space dynamics and of the perception of the time-rhythm needed for the individual and group actions composition
- The exploration of the infinite possibilities of the performer’s body and the implementation through the study of the movement qualities, the energetic spectrum, the organic way of the actions, some acrobatic elements.
- The exploration of the vocal techniques in accordance with the speech and the text, the interaction with the music and the song.
The aim is to develop to the maximum the expression possibilities of each single performer and to develop at the same time a collective coordination work where the group is like an unique body able to help the company in the artistic creation process.
Each participant will be led by the work leaders in a research process and could interact with the artists who will be part of the various projects of the company: musicians, video makers, live media painters, stage designers. This work foresees the study of the dramaturgic composition and the montage of physical and vocal actions in which the performer could dialogue with other means of expressions as: live video, photos, artistic installations, music.
The laboratory is open also to: scholars of other disciplines, playwrights, who could take part as observers.

Program 2016
The laboratory program will be focused on the research process developed within the International project: Megalopolis – Experimentation and creation in the global era, an experimental project investigating the contemporary creation in the global era. Its research focused on the effects produced by the current globalisation and the consequent economic crisis, on the cultural tradition and the identity of the societies. The project’s task is to let individualities emerge within the massification process through the strong identity of the performer’s body and derived from original multi-language dramaturgy. The project foresees the collaboration of musicians, media and visual artists.

Schedule 2016
11 January - 11 June 2016

Weekly schedule
3 days per week 5 hours per day

How to apply

The participants will be selected by CV and application form which must be requested and returned filled in all its parts at: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. including „International Laboratory‟ in the subject line not later than 20th November 2015. Participants will receive an answer as soon as their application will be examined. A maximum of 12 participants will be selected.

How to register
The participation fee is 1.500,00 euro
Once a participant will receive the conformation of being selected should secure is down payment of euro 200,00 through bank transfer (please see the info on the application form)
The registration balance is divided in two steps:
- 11st January first payout 700,00
- 18th March second payout 600,00


29 ottobre 2015

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LIV – Performing Arts centre - Tel. +39 051 9911785 -
FB instabilivaganti Twitter @instabilivagant


Founded in 2004 by the director Anna Dora Dorno and the actor Nicola Pianzola, the company focuses on an experiment along with ongoing research in physical theatre and performing arts.

Instabili Vaganti works worldwide producing performances and directing projects collaborating with international artists, performers, musicians and video makers. The company is continuing research on the actor’s craft, developing a pedagogical work method valued all over the world and requested in many universities and theatre academies.

In the view of the company the performer is one of the most important elements. Their presence is affirmed through their improved physical and vocal abilities, transforming their bodies in an instrument able to communicate with different artistic forms. A total theatre characterized by the organic flow of the action, the original dramaturgy and music, the contamination with new media and visual arts. A poetic work which is able to communicate strong, emotional, impacting messages.

Since 2010 Instabili Vaganti has the artistic direction of the LIV Performing Arts Centre and the International Workshop Festival Performazioni


The company has won several critics and jury awards with their performances

¬¬MADE IN ILVA – The contemporary Hermit Total theatre awards nomination at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2014 | Cassino OFF Award 2014 | Landieri Award – Socially Committed Theatre 2013 | Critics Award Ermo Colle, Jury Award Museum Cervi 2013, International Section Award 16° IIFUT International Festival of Teheran – Iran, OFFX3 Residency Prize, Kilowatt Festival Jury Selection, Stockholm Fringe Festival first Selection 2012.

Avan-Lulu Special prize of the Jury at the VI° International Theatre and Visual Arts Festival Zdarzenia in Poland in 2005 for the performance.

International Projects

Since 2006 the company has engaged in the direction of international research projects involving performers and artists coming from all over the world.

Rags of Memory: Performing Arts Project investigating the theme of memory and developed in several countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Thanks to the collaborations of the Bauhaus Foundation of Dessau, the Grotowski Institute of Wroclaw and the Hooyong Performing Arts Centre in S.Korea.

LENZ: Theatre research and dramaturgic project on the author J. R. M. Lenz, developed across Italy and Germany, in collaboration with the Fabrik Sachsen Theater and involving Italian and German actors and dancers.

Running in the Fabrik: Experimental theatre research project developed in Italy and the UK thanks to the collaboration with the Old VicTheatre of London and involving an international cast of performers.

MEGALOPOLIS: Experimental project investigating the contemporary creation in the global era, developed in the biggest metropolis of the planet with collaborations of Festival Internacional Cerro de Arena and ENAT in Mexico City, IIFUT International Iranian Festival of University Theatre in Teheran.

More info about LIV Performing Arts Centre
LIV is a centre of research and training in the performing arts, in which the company Instabili Vaganti curates the artistic direction. Founded by the director and actress Anna Dora Dorno and the actor Nicola Pianzola, Instabili vaganti carries out a day to day work of research on the art of acting, experimentation and training in the performing arts, creating performances and directing workshops and international projects around the world.LIV is a space dedicated to artistic creation, training in theatre, circus, dance, music and the visual arts, with a particular attention to interaction and contamination of contemporary forms of expression. A meeting place, where the exchange of ideas, and cultural interaction takes place at an international level, a place where to give space to interculturalism, exchange and the diffusion of artistic traditions of performing disciplines from all over the world. The annual program includes several educational activities for young people and infants, including the first circus school for children in Bologna and a series of events such as workshops, performances, research projects, theatrical and artistic residencies. Since 2011, we organize the International Festival of theatrical training PerformAzioni and since 2012, TRENOFF, the first fringe festival in Bologna.LIV is situated in the sports centre Barca in via Raffaello Sanzio 6, in Reno district, in Bologna. The space is a renovated barn of 300 square meters, equipped for performing activities, music, workshops and exhibitions. LIV is equipped with: a theatre hall with wooden flooring, a studio, two soundproofed rooms, a reception, offices, locker rooms, and a summer terrace.


Work leaders


 Anna Dora Dorno

 She is an actress, director and theatre pedagogue. She was born in 1976 in Taranto, Italy. She graduated at  the University of Bologna
 – Department of music and performance and she got a degree in acting at the Academy of dramatic arts.

 She took part in the Santarcangelo Festival educational program where she got a special degree in physical  and experimental theatre, studying several disciplines, including Commedia dell’Arte. She polished her vocal  technique at Odin Teatret in Denmark as well as in Theatre PiesnKozla in Poland and studying with  ImkeBhucolz, and upgraded her physical training by working with NhandanChirco, DomenicoCastaldo, in Italy  and with Augusto Omolù in Brazil. She has studied theatre direction at the University of Bologna and she has worked alongside directors such as Silvio Castiglioni, DavideIodice, and Roysten Abel. In 2004 she founded the theatre company InstabiliVaganti. She holds workshops for actors all over the world and she has led work sessions on the actor‟s physical and vocal training at the Atelier of Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw, at the International Workshop Festival and at the BIPAF Busan Performing Arts Festival in S. Korea, within the VIII° and IX° International meeting of national Drama schools in Mexico City promoted by ORMACC UNESCO – ITI, at the International Physical Fest of Liverpool, at the 24 hours festival of El Kef in Tunisia. Furthermore, she taught theatre and gave lectures in many universities. Those worth mentioning are Bologna University theatre department, University of Kent in England, Kyungsung University in S.Korea, Babeş-Bolyaiin Romania, UNAM in Mexico. She has created and directed international theatre research projects leading work sessions with professional performers of different nationalities in different countries. From 2013 she’s directing the International Laboratory at the Physical theatre school of Bologna. With her first performance Avan – Lulu, she won in 2005 the special award of the Jury at the VI° International Festival of Theatre and Visual Arts Zdarzenia in Poland and recently she has won several awards with her production MADE IN ILVA including the nomination at the total theatre awards at the Edinburgh Fringe 2014. She has directed site – specific performances at Bauhaus foundation of Dessau and Old Vic Theatre of London and she has realized the first theatrical co production between Italy and S.Korea. She has realized her solo piece Ausencia – Alone in the crowd for the European night of researchers (Bologna-Pris-Geneve) that was staged within the 32° Fadjr Festival in Tehran. She is the artistic director of LIV Performing arts centre and Performazioni International workshop festival in Bologna.

Nicola Pianzola

He is a performer, a theatre pedagogue and an organizer. He was born in 1977 in Novara, Italy. He graduated at the University of Bologna – Department of music and performance and he got a master degree in theatre management. He has studied physical theatre graduating at the Nouveau Cirque school of Bologna and Contemporary Circus School in Turin.

His artistic training took shape whilst working in Poland with Zygmunt Molik and TeatrPiesnKozla, in Denmark with Odin Teatret, in Brazil with Augusto Omolù, in Italy with Kataklò Athletic dance theatre. As a performer he worked with Agustin Leteler (Chile), Els Comediantes (Spain) and with Laboratorio Permanente of Domenico Castaldo and Pippo Delbono (Italy). He is currently an actor in all the productions of Instabili Vaganti theatre company and training director in the international theatre research projects led by the company all over the world. He has created and led the international theatre project LENZ supported by Theater Fabrik Sachesn of Leipzig, Old Vic theatre of London, International Shakespeare festival of Yerevan. As a theatre pedagogue, he is specialized in physical training and acrobatics for actors, in theatre and circus arts for children and for actors with handicaps. He has led workshops within the Atelier of Grotowski Institute in Wroclaw, the International Workshop Festival, the BIPAF International Festival, the Busan theatre summer camp, in S. Korea; the VIII° and IX° International meeting of national Drama schools in Mexico, Spectrum Festival workshop in Austria and the IIFUT International Iranian Festival of University theatre. He has won several national and international awards as a performer of the solo show MADE IN ILVA including the nomination at the total theatre awards at the Edinburgh Fringe 2014. He collaborates with the University of Bologna, Department of music and performance where he gives workshops, work demonstrations, lectures and film screenings about physical theatre and Grotowski‟s work. He won the DAMS Award for his research and experience in theatre with actors with handicaps. He collaborates with Hystrio theatre magazine writing articles in Teatromondo a publication on theatre in different countries and with fattiditeatro theatre webzine where he is editor of Instabili Vaganti on tour a section on the international theatre projects led in different countries by his theatre company.


 La Platea, la rivista dedicata al mondo del teatro e dell'arte. Registrata al Tribunale di Roma, n° 262 del 27 novembre 2014


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